Wednesday 14 November 2012

Eccleston Mere

I found this pink fungus growing in the south west corner today. It was about 4" diameter, but at the moment I'm not sure which species it is. Continuing the recent trend, it was almost birdless again, with only a single Buzzard being noteworthy. Ducks are completely absent at the moment, except for the ubiquitous Mallard.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin, i went around Billinge hill on thursday morning and again yesterday afternoon for a stroll and saw next to nothing on both days!What is the reason for this,if any?Do birds tend to show in certain conditions or is it difficult to predict and all random?I think sometimes they may show when the weather suddenly changes from one set of conditions to another , say wet to dry or windy to still etc but im not sure?Maybe by that theory it has been too benign for the last few days?
