Friday 21 October 2011

Billinge Hill

Pink-footed Goose 6000; 6000 birds in the air together at 8:15am, 2000 broke away from the rest and flew away east, 2000 landed on fields below the hill and 1000 headed west towards the Old Coach Road.

Fieldfare 60
Redwing 20
Skylark 20
Meadow Pipit 20

There was no obvious passage today, most of the above birds appeared just to be moving around the local area.

1 comment:

  1. Landed in the fields below Billinge hill you mean?I went for a walk up to the hill yesterday and heard a hell of a commotion from what can only have been geese.Sounded like 1000's!Couldnt see any but sounded as if they were in the vicinity of Rainford,perhaps near the new golf course?
