Saturday 13 August 2011

Cackling Goose Eccleston Mere?

There was a small race Canada Goose at Eccleston Mere this afternoon, with a flock of about 50 Greater Canadas. It was very small, it didn't look much bigger than a Mallard, and unlike it's larger cousins it had a dark breast.

The extreme small size and purply sheen to the breast seem to indicate that this is a Cackling Goose of the race minima, but if anybody would like to offer an opinion I'd be pleased to hear it. We do get the occasional Canada x Barnacle hybrid, but this seems pure Cackling to me.

It was unringed and could fly, despite the dodgy looking wing. It was slightly more nervous than the other Canada Geese it was with, but is still presumably an escape. Worth making a note of though, because the local Canadas often join up with the wild Pink-feet, and can turn up at various goose localities across North West England. The Red-brested Goose from Knowsley Safari park regularly sets pulses racing at Martin Mere in winter.

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