Sunday, 22 August 2010

Silver Howe and Blea Rigg, Grasmere, Cumbria

Despite the poor summer, it was yet another beautiful day to be in the Lake District, so it seemed a shame not to visit Grasmere once again. Some really spectacular views across Langdale, and in the opposite direction Helvelyn and Fairfield.

Star of the day, Golden-ringed Dragonfly. We saw two, a male a female flying along a small stream high up on Silver Howe. A beautiful location to find Britains largest dragonfly. My third new dragonfly species this year.

On other pools we saw several Black Darters and a few Common Hawkers, but no Keeled Skimmers this week.

Male Golden-ringed Dragonly (left) are quite a bit smaller than the females. Black Darter (right), a lot smaller than either male or female Golden-ringed, in fact probably about a third the size!

Golden-ringed Dragonfly habitat (left) on Silver Howe, and Common Hawker and Black Darter habitat (right). Now own up, it's a bit more scenic than either Bold Moss or the Sankey Valley! In the left hand photo you can see Fairfield in the background, in the right, Crinkle Crags, Bowfell and Harrison Stickle.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you are making the most of Gods own country. My first sortay into the Lakes was in 1958 camping with the school. then it got that way I couldn't stay away, and finally got the chance to move here in 74. Just to the right of Harrison Stickle in your photo is Pavey Ark and on it the terrific scramble of jack's Rake (have a look at Wainwright's Central fells for an amusing read. I always look forward to your weekend posts, keep em cumming. Gordon.
